Thursday, August 12, 2010

Work In Process for History

Description on individual ideation of link: I am designing the History page. the History page will basically enhance the knowledge
the people who wants to visit Afamosa. the page will have rich information about the origin
of the place.

objective of link : This page will help the visitors to have basic knowledge of the place they want to see. also it acts as an enticement as they will get to find out the exciting origin of the place and buildings.

GUI : The designs are going to be clear and simple 'to understand. i will also use relevant pictures to make the link more eye catching.

Dreamweaver: using Dreamweaver is the best thing that could ever happen. it is not too complex as there is no coding needed. and once you know how to go about it everything woks out.


NAME: Barati sebikiri
ID: 1071117252

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