Monday, August 2, 2010

Work in Progress for Location

-Description of individual ideation of the link
This is one of the subtopic for A Famosa. Basically, page shows the actual location of A Famosa. There will be a map to show the A Famosa exact location.

-Objective of the link.
Many people heard of A Famosa. But do they know where it is located. That's what this links purpose.This link is really important as this link will show the people where A Famosa is located.

As already mention earlier in the "work in progress" blog, our group main theme is simple and precise. Due to this, i already created a potential design of my subtopic. Purpose is to enable the people to get the information about A Famosa clearly and faster. As we know, A Famosa is a historical place,i think simplicity will be the best things for us to show in the pages.


There is no specific references used. Because the references are made within the group members. To make sure the synchronization.

-Snap shot of final output
*the final output is currently still in progress. It is schedule to be done in the following week.

That's all from me for the
Work in Progress Location part
Thank You
Sam Khai Sin (1091102688)

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